Recreational Marijuana in South Dakota

Saturday, Apr 23


With medical marijuana establishments obtaining certification from municipalities, and the State of South Dakota Department of Health (SDDOH) there are many steps that must be taken to implement the plan.  Months of anticipation, mounds of paperwork for prospective establishments, and then it’s time to run out of the gate.

Post application steps include standard operating procedures (SOP’s), building permits, post-application applications, obtaining quotes in a market with instability, and looking at supply chain concerns that may delay establishments of every type.

If you are considering getting into the industry, it is not to late, but time to get on the band wagon.

Do some preliminary investigation, contact consultants, decide who and what you like, and don’t forget to look at the scope of the entire project before you make a firm decision to move forward.


Good luck in your adventure!

Category(s): Uncategorized

